What we do now in our 30’s 40’s and 50’s affects how we live our lives into our 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, so why would anyone just leave it all to chance? I, for one, do not accept that advancing age means an inevitable decline into loss of independence and infirmity, and so my mission is simply…
..to help people who are ready for change, become the best that they can be as AOP’s (Active Older People) – by introducing healthy eating habits, regular exercise and encouraging a sense of fun and adventure, but most of all, helping them to experience the joy of living a fuller, longer, more active life!
Life is a celebration after all!
Personal Fitness Trainer, Weight Loss Coach and AOP (Active Older Person)
Movement is medicine
Based on UK physical activity guidelines for adults and older adults. Find out how to stay fit and healthy, build strength and improve balance as an Active Older Person (AOP) so that you can live a fuller life for longer.
An introduction to ZOOM fitness
Based on UK physical activity guidelines for adults and older adults. Find out how to stay fit and healthy, build strength and improve balance as an Active Older Person (AOP) so that you can live a fuller life for longer.
Why more exercise won’t make you lose weight
I like to be honest with my clients and I frequently find myself saying to those that want to lose weight, “exercise will do wonderful things for your mind and body but it won’t do much on it’s own to help with weight loss”.
The Home Exercise Handbook
Created as a visual reminder to support clients on a personal training programme, this comprehensive 80 page guide takes you through a vast array of stretches, exercises and HIIT training, so that you can continue training outside of your 1-2-1 sessions and do a full body workout at home.
The Home Exercise Handbook… available to buy now!